Secure File Sharing Anywhere

File Sharing has gone beyond traditional NAS platforms within the company’s internal networks. The workforce has gone mobile with the “work-from-anywhere” concept. You may be at StarBucks sipping your chai latte but still want to access to work files. Putting the company files and folders into public cloud sharing platforms such as Dropbox, Google Drive provides convenience but puts the company’s data security and privacy at risk. This is known as Shadow IT, something not under the jurisdiction and the control of the company’s IT department. This unwanted practice opens up unknown security gaps and exposes the company IT defense to dangers such as ransomware, hacking, and spying.

The widespread of these cybersecurity threats has prompted Malaysia Central Bank, Bank Negara to issue the RMiT (Risk Management in Technology) framework in 2019. All financial institutions and commercial banks have to comply with this framework beginning of 2020. The Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) requirement features heavily in RMiT, and public cloud file share platforms such as Dropbox and Google Drive lack the MFA cybersecurity feature.

Katana Logic has worked with several key customers closely to push the File Sharing capabilities beyond corporate firewalls and security fencing with EasiShare to deliver the simplicity of Dropbox and confidence of very secure data vault. The security capabilities are good enough for Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS). We are honoured to be the authorized reseller of EasiShare in Malaysia.

Learn more about EasiShare with its 100% secure confidence in Secure Private File Sharing Enterprise Dropbox-like capability and its 2FA (2-factor Authentication) here.